PFA 700N
Part #KS84395112
The field bus interface PFA is used in conjunction with the pre-wired module subrack BGT for interworking of burner control units PFU to industrial communication networks using PROFIBUS DP to control and monitor burners in industrial furnaces and firing systems.
As a standardized fieldbus system, the PROFIBUS DP considerably reduces development, installation and commissioning costs compared to conventional wiring. The use of a standard bus system offers massive benefits compared to manufacturer-specific bespoke solutions. Time-tested hardware components, standardized connection methods and a series of tools of bus diagnostics and optimization are available on the market from a whole range of manufacturers. The widespread use of the system ensures that the planning and service personnel are very familiar with how the system operates and how to handle it and can therefore operate the system efficiently.
PFA Power Supply Series 700 PFU 760 710 PFU 780 Main voltage T 220/240 V AC, 50/60 Hz N 110/120 V AC, 50/60 Hz