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KS88660218 - BCU 570QC1F2U0K1-E

BCU 570QC1F2U0K1-E

Part #KS88660218

$1,857.00 / EA

BCU Type : 570

Main Voltage : 120 V AC, 50/60 Hz (Q)

Valve Proving System : TC and POC (C1)

Capacity Control : Interface for RBW (F2)

Electrical Connection Type : Screw terminals (K1)

The BCU 570 burner control unit controls, ignites, and monitors industrial individual burners and forced draught burners of unlimited capacity in intermittent or continuous operation. It can be used for directly ignited burners or burners ignited by a gas pilot.

The BCU 570 has an interface for control elements for burner capacity control. Both actuators (IC 20, IC 40, 3-point step and RBW) and frequency converters can be controlled. A valve proving system can be integrated as an option.

The BCU 570 activates the fan and sets a connected actuator or frequency converter to pre-purge and ignition positions. If the centrally checked safety requirements, e.g. prepurge, flow detector and pressure switch check, have been met, the BCU 570 starts the burner. An enable signal is then issued to an external temperature controller which controls the actuator or frequency converter in accordance with the capacity demand.

The BCU 570 monitors the gas and air pressure. The optionally integrated valve proving system checks the valves by checking an external gas pressure switch or by checking whether the gas valve on the inlet side is closed.

Using the BCSoft program, the parameters, analysis, and diagnostic information can be read from the BCU.

An integrated Manual mode allows the manual activation of the burner control units and adjustment of the butterfly valves.