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KS88683035 - BCU 460Q8P2C2D1000K1E1 -/LM400QF3O0E1

BCU 460Q8P2C2D1000K1E1- /LM400QF3O0E1

Part #KS88683035

$1,982.00 / EA

BCU Type : 460

Main Voltage : 120 V AC, 50/60 Hz (Q)

Ignition Transformer : 8 kV, 20 mA, ED 33 % (8)

Flange Plate : M32 (P2)

Valve Proving System : POC (C2)

The BCU 4 Series burner control unit unites the components of automatic burner control unit, ignition transformer, Manual/Automatic mode, display of operating and fault statuses and a user interface (HMI) in a compact metal housing. It is suitable for almost every conceivable multiple burner application in the metal, ceramics, food and automotive industries.

It can be used for directly ignited industrial burners of unlimited capacity. The burners may be modulating-controlled or stage-controlled. Installation in the immediate vicinity of the burner being monitored simplifies system integration.

On industrial furnaces, it reduces the load on the central furnace control by taking over tasks that relate to the burner, for example it ensures that the burner ignites in a safe condition when it is restarted.