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Pulse Timer 900


The KromAmericas Pulse Timer, or KPT900, is an advanced burner control system designed to manage up to 8 burners efficiently. Utilizing innovative pulsing technology, the KPT900 adjusts burner operation based the input from a PID control loop, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency. The KPT900 is engineered as a functional replacement for the obsolete Kromschröder MPT card, facilitating easy upgrades without the need for extensive modifications or design engineering.


KromAmericas Pulse Timer KPT900

  • Configurable Burner Management - Burner outputs that can be configured in multiple pulse scenarios.
  • PID Control Integration - Seamless integration with existing PID control systems for enhanced responsiveness and stability
  • Intermittent Operation - Circulates the atmosphere, achieving uniform temperature distribution and shorter heat-up times
  • Emission Reduction - Optimizes burner operation with On/Off or High/Low settings
  • Flexible Burner Connections - One or more burners can be connected per output, allowing for customized system configurations.
  • Honeywell HC900 Controller with HCiX Display - Includes a Honeywell HC900 controller connected via Modbus TCP/IP, providing a user-friendly interface for real-time monitoring and configuration.

Technical Specifications

  • Voltage Options: 120V AC or 24V DC
  • Control Range: 0-100% output
  • Pulsing Frequency: Configurable for any amount of time
  • Pulse Length: User-defined settings for optimal burner operation
  • Communication Protocols: Modbus TCP/IP for connectivity with the Honeywell HC900 controller


  • Systems currently using the Kromschröder MPT 700
  • Designs for pulse-fired ovens and furnaces where uniformed temperature distribution is required
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